Federation of Associations of Cottage & Small Industries, W.B.

For Micro & Small Scale Enterprises


Welcome to facsi.net

Fedaration of Associations of Cottage & Small Industries (FACSI)was born in the year 1972, solely to cater to the needs of the Member-entrepreneurs in the micro and small sectors, including Service Sector.


FACSI, being an accredited BMO with Quality Council certificate, invites new Members, both Associations of MSEs and Micro and Small Industries. Interested Associations and Micro & Small Entrepreneurs may contact Mr. S. Bhattacharya / Mr. S. Singh.


Persons having ITI/Diploma/Tech. Education Certificate may join job oriented training on Industrial Hydraulic System, Solar Power, Renewable Energy, Refrigeration and Fabrication course organized by FACSI. Contact : 9830533758 / 8583965650

FACSI অফার

আইটিআই/ডিপ্লোমা/টেকনিক্যাল সার্টিফিকেটধারীদের জন্য ফ্যাব্রিকেশন, সোলার/রিনিউএবল এনার্জি, রেফ্রিজারেশন, হাইড্রোলিক সিস্টেমে জব ওরিয়েন্টেশন কোর্স। যোগাযোগ করুন : 9830533758 /8583965650

Key Activities of FACSI: Empowering Cottage & Small Industries

Born in the year 1972, solely to cater to the needs of the Member-entrepreneurs in the micro and small sectors, including Service Sector. FACSI offers the following supplementary services to its Members being associated with it either in the category of Ordinary Member (meant for Associations only), Individual Member (meant for Individual Units only) and Life Member (who are associated with FACSI as an Individual to contribute to its progress) :

  • Update the present trend in the Industry.
  • Provide information related to different Govt. Notifications concerning this sector by publication of our monthly newsletter, “Silponnati”.
  • Organising Seminars / Workshops / Conclaves on the latest development Intellectual Property Rights / Export-Import / Government Schemes meant for this sector and topics on current trends / practices duly associating deserving Faculties for easy understanding of the subjects.
  • Conducting participation in the international fairs to show case the products manufactured by the entrepreneurs in this sector.
  • Helping to impart hand-hold support to initiate their business.
  • Tabling recommendations of different nature of business bottlenecks in appropriate manner and forum for appropriate dispensation of the Government / Government Agencies.
  • Associating with different Chambers of Commerce to synchronise our activities with them and vice-versa.
  • Elevating their genuine grievances at the appropriate level of the concerned Departments of both State and Central Governments for appraisal and appropriate dispensation.
  • Unifying the entrepreneurs in this sector and mobilizing their heterogeneous interests for a homogeneous cause.
  • Soliciting their advice to improve our operations to serve their interest.


South Asian Countries' SME Forum has been revived jointly by FACSI and National Association of Small & Cottage Industries of Bangladesh (NASCIB) at Dhaka Bangladesh. The President of NASCIB, Janab Mirza Nurul Ghani Shovon is now the President of SAC SME Forum. He will progressively induct Members of other Chambers of Commerce and Industries of Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and others to ramify its operation further. The first follow up meeting of the SAC SME Forum was held at Kathmandu, Nepal with the Office Bearers of Federation of Nepal Cottage and Small Industries (FNCSI). From FACSI, it will be represented by Shri Samir Gupta - Founder President , Shri H. K. Guha - Vice President, Shri D.K. Mitra, Shri Arnab Basu, Shri S.C. Senapati, Shri Arun Kr. Saha, Smt. Sipra Mitra, Shri U. K. Mitra, Shri Tapan Roy, Shri Jayanta Saha, Shri Sanjiv Goenka and Shri Subrata Laha.
